
The more chances children have of watching Read-TV the more chances they have of becoming successful readers.

-Greg Johnson B.Ed., M.A., District Principal, Aboriginal Education

Read-TV is charming, engaging and set at a luxurious pace. The writer and director has an excellent insight into a child’s psychology. Read-TV also gives children courage to live their lives a certain way - where they can take pleasure in simple, natural things like looking at ripples in the water. These are stories children will treasure and they could become classics.

-Carol Thew, Ed.D., Child Language Specialist

My son, who is 18 months old, usually won’t watch videos but he watches Read-TV! He loves the dog and he talks through it and pretends to read. It’s great to see him interacting with it. As a teacher and a parent I think the word’s on the screen are quite effective. Especially when the words mirror what is happening in the story.

-Dana Rhuelen, Teacher and Parent

Fiona, two and a half, really likes “Oscar Makes Muffins” and shouting out the words like “Spatula”and “Muffin Tin.” She also did this with the colours in “Charis Paints” and enjoys watching the stories over and over again. Catherine [almost six] …likes the challenge of recognizing words and tried to figure them out over the silent stretches. She really liked the children reading their own work as the vocabulary and structure were paced just right for her reading ability. They were well paced, and I liked the variety.

-Patrick Gracey, Librarian and Dad

It is the only video my daughter plays now. It has become part of our night-time routine. She gets to watch one of the Read-TV stories before we read her a book in bed.


These stories are engaging and beautiful. With their child-centered simplicity, learning opportunities abound.

-Dr. Judy Sellner, Dip.C., Ph.d., Educational Consultant

Every afternoon Colin (4) asks if he can watch his Read-TV. He loves Read-TV and I love the reading experience it provides him.

-Susan Jarema, Award winning Director and Mom, Googol Learning

It’s such a beautiful video and so calming. My five year old son loves it. After watching it off and on for four months he can now read along with it and it makes him feel so smart and proud.


I have emailed you previously regarding how much my sons and I enjoy your video. We watch it together and each time they seem to see something different, I just think it is such a great concept. We made muffins last week and my son said, ‘Just like Oscar, Mom’. It is wonderful to have another tool to add to building my boys literacy skills. We look forward to future volumes.

-Anne Borgfjord, President / Parent, Humpty Dumpty Preschool

I like the fact that it’s interactive. Instead of just staring at the TV my daughter (3 years old) re-tells the story. She’s drawn in by the reading-clues.

-Amanda, Full-time Mom

After seeing the article in the paper about Read-TV, I went down to the library and borrowed a copy. You’ve done an absolutely fantastic job! I thought that the production and duplication were first-rate, and wearing my daddy-hat, I was pleased how the videos managed to engage all 3 of my children. Keep up the good work!

-Walter van Lieshout, Coordinator Internet and Technology Based Systems