Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board Adopts Literacy DVD’s
Aug 11, 2010

DVD's from the I Love When We... series are arriving at Parenting and Family Literacy Centres across Ontario. Most recently, Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board (HWDSB) included Tremain Media's literacy, numeracy and language DVD's in all six of their Parenting and Family Literacy Centres.
Parenting and Family Literacy Centres are school-based programs for parents and their children, aged birth to six years of age that operate during the school day. The parent/caregiver stays with the child at all times. These programs help to prepare children for school and encourage families to be part of their children’s learning.
Program Facilitators work as partners with the Kindergarten teachers and local community programs, collaborating to create a welcoming learning environment that will help prepare children for school. Centres are free to attend and no pre-registration is required.
Drop by any of Hamilton-Wentworth's six Parenting and Family Literacy Centres where you will be able to borrow: I Love When We Count, I Love When You Read, I Love When We Talk or Read-TV.
Thank-you HWDSB! We are proud to be a part of your early-learning programs.