Receive DVD’s Now - Pay Later
Schools, libraries, educational programs and literacy initiatives are eligible to order DVD’s now and pay for them later*. Contact us and tell us which DVD’s you would like to purchase and we will send you those DVD’s with an invoice.
Email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) or phone us 250-286-3690 with your order.
With a Purchase Order (PO)
If your organization uses purchase orders please:
- Email your PO to: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
We will send you your DVD’s with an invoice and will refer to your purchase number on the invoice and on the packaging.
With A Credit Card 
Phone us with your order 250-286-3690 we take credit cards by phone. For small orders you can buy from us online as well.
Feel free to call me, Leah Tremain, with any questions: 250-286-3690 or email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
*For larger orders or for unverified organizations and institutions we may ask for payment before shipping.